Hey there!

I'm Cameron Smith

I’m a VR and AR designer based in Boise, ID. I’m originally from Nampa, ID and will forever talk about the superiority of New York pizza and bagels. I like to make games creative and fun.


Growing up I played many video games that captured my mind and fueled my imagination as a kid. I am the kid that would hide video games under my pillow late at night to avoid getting in trouble for staying up so late. I would've never imagined I would get the opportunity to make my own video games in the future, but when it came to deciding on a career path, I pursued a career that I would love; so that it never felt like work. This is my portfolio, and these are my works. Each project, countless hours, learning, implementing and creating alongside my cohorts. Each piece of work is fueled by the knowledge of the last.

My Career so far

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Game Design
UX Design
3D Modeling

Want to get in touch?
Drop me a line!

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